Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another Update...

On Thursday, Matt pretty much told me that things were over for good. He feels called to the mission field and doesn't think he is supposed to marry me. That's about it...I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

On May 6 Matt is leaving for Europe for 3 months to work with youth camps and VBS. He comes back August 7. We will continue keeping in touch though.

It's all up to God what happens now!!!


Bethany said...

Mmmm....yes, I will continue praying.

Joni Scott said...

Wow Kelly. It must be rough. I pray you are doing okay over all of this. It has to be difficult.
I must also say I am sorry that David Archuletta will take 2nd to David Cook and you will not get that meal you are looking forward to.

Unknown said...

Kelly..my thoughts and prayers are with you. It is heartbreaking and difficult I know, but you are doing the right thing. God will show you the path that you need to take all you have to do is listen.