Friday, February 1, 2008

Game Night

On Thursday night, Sean came up for a weekend visit. After His House, Stina, Sean, and I decided to have a game night and we played Scrabble and the entire game of Scattergories. We were up till 2 AM. Sean won Scrabble (cause stina and i helped him getting the winning word..."qi" with the q on a triple letter score! and yes, qi is apparently a word). And then I won Scattergories. It was a fun night

Oh yeah...we were munching on 3 cans of Pringles also...

Stina showing the game board with the pringles

Teaching Sean how to play

Our 3 different flavors of pringles

I didn't think about taking pictures until after we had already played Scrabble, so here is a little something that Stina and I made with the Scrabble board :)

1 comment:

Hilarie said...

So there is a new flavor of pringles..loaded baked potato. Not very good they sort of taste like bacon...Anyway I wish I could have a game night but no one except the Shomo family really likes games..depressing