Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back in Kindergarten!

So once again, I am very delayed in posting this, but I am a busy person these days and kinda forget that I even have a blog!

Anyway, two Fridays ago was my last day student teaching in first grade. The kids all made me cards and a big poster with their names and pictures on it. They were all super cute! Then we had a little goodbye party and ate pieces of those huge cookies and some ice cream. It was cool and really sweet of my teacher to do all that. Every time I see the kids in the hall, I get lots of hugs...it's good to know that I made an impact on them and that they enjoyed my teaching :)

Last week was the first of my eight weeks in kindergarten. The kids do an every other day program so I actually have TWO kindergarten classes. It's fun, but it was a lot to get used to and a lot of names to learn! I think I have almost all their names down now though. I have less planning to do in kindergarten because I repeat lessons twice a week, so that is nice. I am able to get home a lot earlier than I was when I was in first grade. I do miss first grade, but I am enjoying kindergarten a lot too!

I really wish I could show you some of the pictures I have of the kids in my classes, but I can't post them on the internet. I am working on two cool bulletin boards right now though, so once I have pictures of those, I can show you at least something :)

Anyway, that's pretty much my life right now.

Oh, and by the way, here is a wedding update:
Did I happen to mention that Uncle Ken is going to be the pastor for our wedding now...cause he is! And we finally registered for our wedding shower at Kohls and Target. We ALSO booked our honeymoon...to Hawaii!!!! We are doing a 7 night cruise that hops the islands. Matt and I are super stoked! We are in the double digits for the countdown to our wedding now too...only 96 days left!

1 comment:

Erin Katherine said...

I can't believe there are only three months left until you are married!