Friday, July 25, 2008


The day finally came...American Idols Tour Live 2008!!!! My friend Ashley and I arrived at Joe Louis Arena at 11:30 AM so we could get autographs and pics with the idols before the concert. There was about 150 people lined up along the gates just waiting for their tour bus to arrive...

Here's how the day went down:


After asking a few people where the tour buses pulled in, we were able to find the location for the pre-concert autographs and pics. We knew we were in the right spot when we saw a group of girls with signs and shirts that said "I heart David Archuleta"
After waiting about 2 hours, the tour buses finally came!!

After waiting a little longer, the first person finally came out. It was Brooke!! She was on vocal rest though so she couldn't speak, but was still as sweet as ever. (notice the pink tape on her shirt)

The next was Kristy Lee Cook. She was really pretty!

And then he came...that's right...David Archuleta!!!!!!!! I was sooooo excited!! I got him to sign the picture I had, along with signing my shirt. Then I asked if I could get a picture with him. He was SO cute! I told him that my phone company kicked me out of their service because I called to vote for him so many times outside of the Tmobile phone zone. He laughed and said "Really? wow...I used to have tmobile, but then we got AT&T phones" Before he started moving to the next person, I asked him if I could have a hug. He said "sure" and he leaned over the gate and gave me a hug!! It was pretty much the most exciting thing EVER!!! He was such a sweetheart, and a cutie too!
Then David Cook came out. He was in a big hurry and wouldn't pause for pics at all. He was kinda rude and kinda acted like a jerk. It made me not like him very much...
Chikezie was really nice though. Very friendly and such. I don't know why we didn't get a picture with him...

Guess who this is....
If you guessed David Archuleta's dad, you are right! He was walking around talking to fans and he stopped and talked with us for about 10 minutes. He was very nice and told us that David is trying to get his album out before Christmas, YAY!!
Then there was Syesha. She was friendly and sweet too.
And last but not least for the afternoon...Michael Johns. He was kinda in a hurry like David Cook, but still took the time to take pics with fans and such, which was cool. His accent was awesome too!
Sadly, we didn't get to see Jason, Ramiele, or Carly before the concert. We decided to get some food and wait till the doors opened so we could sit in the air conditioning. By now, we were hot, thirsty, and rather hungry.
At 6:00 the doors opened, and at 7:00 the concert started! Each person came out one at a time, starting with the 10th person to get kicked out and counting down from there.
This is Jason playing his guitar and singing
Here is David Archuleta...he came up from the floor sitting at the piano! It was pretty cool!
More Archuleta

And some more Archuleta (can you tell he's my favorite?)
Then came the winner of American Idol 2008, David Cook

Notice the different angle from which this pic is taken...Ashley and I decided we would get up and move towards the doors to where autographs would be after the concert. She ran down to get a good spot, while I stood at the entrance near the doors watching the rest of the concert, but ready to sprint out as soon as it ended.

It was worth it. Ashley finally got her autograph and pic with Jason!!
Then Ramiele came, and we got her autograph, but totally missed a picture with her.

And our last idol to meet...Carly!!!
Our day was complete. We met ALL the top 10 American Idols of 2008 and got all their autographs. We had the greatest time and all the money and time spent waiting was TOTALLY worth it!!!
If you want to see even MORE pics, go to this link. It will take you to my albums on facebook that I created from the concert. I also have about 15 videos from the concert on facebook, and if you want to see those, let me know and I can either give you the links, or I can put them up on the blog as well.


Joni Scott said...

Wow!!! That is amazing Kelly! I am so impressed that you met ALL TEN! We are jealous! The only way we can one up you is a picture of all of the idols and us at dinner. We'll aim for that when we go. Too bad David C was dumb :-( I choose to believe he is just the creative type...
But we all know that success destroys alot of good folk.
My new favorite band though is Leeland! He actually has a David Cook sound but is hard core Christian. I saw him at Cornerstone.
Anyway.. congrats on such a great idol concert!!

Bethany said...

oh my goodness Kelly! How exciting! that is awesome that you met all ten! Bummer about Cook though...but ya know, being the WINNER and all he was prolly really busy. That's why David A. can stay and chat, he didn't win. hehe :-)
great pics, thanks for sharing!

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Kelly said...

Actually, I think Archuleta was much more popular than Cook. I barely saw any signs and shirts for Cook when we were getting autographs and stuff. Everyone had either Archuleta or Jason stuff. I thought it was very interesting. I really think that Archuleta has a lot more fans than Cook does.

Hannah said...

I really couldn't be more jealous right now.
I know I'm a little late...but wow.
Thats really exciting :D

Anonymous said...

anyone who can make it to the final stages of American Idol has got to be a great performer...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!