Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Wannabes Premiere Party

This past Saturday, The Wannabes had their premiere party!! The show aired this past Sunday in Australia and will be traveling across Europe and into the U.S. within the next year. We got to watch 3 episodes (the pilot episode and 2 others) and some of the group's music videos.

The show was pretty funny and I can't wait for it to air here!

Me and Taylor waiting for them to start the shows!

At the end of everything, the 6 main cast members did a meet and greet with the fans.

Here's the 3 boys of the group-Alan, Andrew, and Drew
And here's the whole group! Alan, Andrew, Shaylen, Sarah, Mariah, and Drew (and Drew's mom too)

For more info about The Wannabes, you can go to their website:
The Wannabes Starring Savvy

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